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The entertainment and media industry is an extensive, vital, and beneficial segment. It comprises enterprises that produce, distribute and provide entertainment and media wares. This includes music, films, video games, broadcasts, text/book publishing, et cetera. It is a segment consisting of diverse sectors. These include media, film, games, advertising, broadcast, multimedia, marketing, photography, internet, and music. It is a novel yet high-value and innovative industry. This is due to the importance of its services and the segment’s extensive network. For instance, it has associations with the education, IT, apparel, and beauty industry. It is also linked to the eyewear, home, consumer goods, and aviation sectors. This likewise applies to the maritime, real estate, and HoReCa industries. It also applies to the graphic design, optics, optoelectronics, and sports sectors. It also relies upon industries like electronics, energy, science, arts, banking, et cetera. As a result, the segment generates high revenue. For instance, some leading enterprises have earned 121 400 000 000 USD. The M&E industry is among the most innovative sectors. This is due to the importance of meeting the latest consumer demands. Often, the segment presents its newest solutions and products during trade expositions. These occur once per year, although there are exceptions that take place every two years. This aids the M&E industry in maintaining its competitiveness. Often, such trade expositions occur in countries such as the Kingdom of Spain and the United States of America. They also take place in the Federative Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom. They likewise occur in the Portuguese Republic. The industry’s events often attract hundreds of thousands of participants.