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The mining industry is one of the most significant, time-honoured and beneficial segments. It includes the goods and services related to the process of mining. It includes extracting, processing, and using natural resources from the earth. These include oil, gas, metals, and minerals. These can be obtained using four primary mining techniques. Examples include surface, in situ, placer, and underground mining. The industry also involves transporting unprocessed materials to processing sites. After processing, many industries can use the sector's ready materials. These include the energy, oil, gas, construction, electronics, jewellery, metalworking, and packaging sectors. The watch, consumer goods, chemical and industrial technology segments also use the products. The aerospace, automotive, railway, medical, electrical and plastics industries also use them. The sector is also linked to the environment, transport, and logistics sectors. As a result of its extensive network and vital wares, the mining industry is of high value. For example, some leading companies have earned USD 255 980 000 000 in recent years. The mining sector often implements innovations. This ensures the high quality of its wares and meets the latest challenges. These are presented during biannual trade expositions.