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The aerospace and airport technology sector is among the transportation industry's leading branches. It focuses on maintaining, producing, developing, and operating aerial vehicles. This includes transporting goods and people from one location to another. Among the vessels used are UAVs, aeroplanes, helicopters, and others. It is among the transportation branches with high revenue. This is due to the diverse applications such as transporting wares. For instance, some leading enterprises have earned 66 680 000 000 USD. The industry is among the primary sectors to develop and use novel technologies. This is due to the continual need to improve vehicles to remain competitive. It also aids in adapting to diverse situations and ensuring safety. Often, the presentation of innovations occurs during trade expositions. These occur in various countries, often within local branches of the sectors. Examples include The French Republic and the Federative Republic of Germany. They also feature the Swiss Confederation and the United Kingdom. The United Arab Emirates is also among the countries with such trade expositions. Such events attract up to hundreds of thousands of participants. Aerospace and airport technology trade expositions occur in one to two years.