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The metalworking industry is one of the most vital and profitable economic sectors. It focuses on changing the shape of metals to produce valuable goods. This includes parts, assemblies, and structures. These can be made using various metalworking methods, such as welding and fabrication. The industry has an extensive cross-sector network. For example, the maritime, aviation, automotive and motorbike sectors depend on its products. So do the jewellery, medical technology, micro/nanotechnology, broadcasting, construction, and furniture industries. It is also connected to agriculture, consumer goods, electronics, and the electrical industry. It is also linked to the energy, oil, gas, and mining industries. There are also links to the industrial technology, optics, IT, and telecommunications sectors. The metalworking industries are among the most valuable segments. For example, some of their leading companies have generated USD 41 512 000 000 in recent years. The sector often innovates to remain competitive. These are presented at annual and bi-annual trade exhibitions. These are held in various countries and attract hundreds of thousands of participants. Locations include the French Republic and the United Arab Emirates. The Federative Republic of Germany is also represented. So is the People’s Republic of China. Such events are also held in the Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of Turkey. They are also held in Taiwan and the United States of America.