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The Republic of Turkey is a significant site in the metallurgical industries. It is because of the comprehensiveness and high value of the country's segment. It comprises diverse subdivisions. They range from metal shaping/casting to metallurgy machinery manufacturing and steel production. Each of these divisions aids in producing the high annual turnover rates of the segment. For example, the machinery equipment manufacturing market has recently surpassed 20 810 054 000 TRY. Also, this applies to the metal shaping section, which has produced over 68 734 056 000 TRY. Likewise, the metal fabrication section has generated more than 301 439 750 000 TRY. Extensive exportations contribute two-thirds of the value (226 966 400 000 TRY). The steel production segment has also generated more than 487 684 495 000 TRY in exports. More than 2 000 SMEs and corporations produce such values. For example, the metal machinery manufacturing segment features more than 350 enterprises. They employ over 5 400 specialists. Likewise, the metal shaping division consists of over 800 businesses. They engage more than 24 300 experts. There are also 1 000 metal casting foundries in the state. This results in metalworking industries that contribute significantly to Turkey’s GDP. They likewise place it in a prominent position in the international and European markets. For example, it is the most extensive rebar exporter and Europe’s most comprehensive steel producer. It is likewise the most extensive steel scrap importer (72% of the produced steel is formed from scrap). The state’s metalworking industries are also among the leading innovation hubs. It is because of its diverse subdivisions chiefly focusing on implementing innovations. They frequently present their latest novel solutions during trade exhibitions. Examples include events held in diverse cities. They attract tens of thousands of attendants.