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Germany is among the central, time-established and leading countries in the metalworking industries. It applies to the European and global segments of the market. It is because of the German section's expansiveness and high market value. For example, in recent years, it has extended to include around 5 600 enterprises. They employ directly approximately 460 000 specialists. It results in the metalworking industries being among the most extensive German economic segments. It also results in the production of high annual turnover rates. For instance, various segments have assisted in the generation of a total annual revenue of up to 120 000 000 000 EUR. For example, the crude steel production division has contributed around 55 200 000 000 EUR via its approximately 90 000 experts. This has resulted in Germany achieving the position of the seventh most extensive international crude steel manufacturer. It is because of the experts being involved in the crude steel manufacturing of up to 36 800 000 tonnes. Likewise, the non-ferrous metals segment, with more than 108 200 specialists, has produced up to 53 200 000 000 EUR. This is due to the section producing up to 7 300 000 tonnes of wares. Considerable global exports of such commodities account for up to 49% of the section’s value. This is due to such exports resulting in the generation of values of up to 25 900 000 000 EUR. The foundry section had similarly contributed via its around 70 000 specialists and approximately 600 foundries. They have produced an estimated 11 600 000 000 EUR. The German metalworking industries are also among the leading innovation hubs. Most often, they showcase their current innovations as part of yearly, biyearly, triennial and quadrennial events. Hundreds of thousands of attendants take part in such events.