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Germany is one of the leading, time-established and central countries of the paints industry. It applies to the European and global segments of the market. This is due to the relatively compact yet high-value segment in the state. It is generally considered one of the pivotal sections of the more comprehensive coatings, paints and printing ink sector. It is a segment that features notable high annual turnover rates. For example, in recent years, the approximately 250 enterprises that comprise the segment have generated and retailed up to 1 530 000 tons of coatings, paints, and printing inks. This has resulted in the sector producing up to 6 100 000 000 EUR in annual turnover rates. It has also resulted in the direct engagement of around 25 000 specialists. This includes a notable percentage of research and development experts. This is due to the German coatings, paints and printing ink sector placing a chief focus on researching and developing novel solutions. In turn, it enables it to adapt to the latest challenges and demands within the related sectors. Generally, the related industrial segment presents its most recent innovations during trade expositions. Examples include events held every two years in various cities. Such events appeal to tens of thousands of attendants.