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Germany is among the leading countries in the European waste and ecological protection industry. It is also a central state for the global environmental protection segment. This is due to the comprehensive and high-value sector present in the state. It comprises various medium and small-sized enterprises and extensive time-honoured corporations. They represent the entire value chain. Such include segments related to waste management, manufacture, transportation, et cetera. This results in the employment of a significant number of specialists. This applies both directly and indirectly. For example, in recent years, the segment has employed more than 341 200 experts. These are retained both in the segment itself and in related ones. Such include manufacturing, construction, services, et cetera. This results in the production of high annual turnovers. For example, in recent years, the sector has produced revenues of up to 91 900 000 000 EUR. It is also a segment with high investments due to its importance in the circular economy. For example, in recent years, the sector has received up to 12 100 000 000 EUR of investments. A significant amount of these expenditures is allocated for the segment’s further development. This is done through extensive research projects. The results are often displayed during annual and biannual trade expos. Such events, hosted in diverse cities, attract hundreds of thousands of attendees.