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Germany is among the time-honoured, central, and leading countries of the marble industry. It is applicable to the European and global sections of the sector. Often, it is considered a central part of the country’s natural stone industry. It is a subsection that consists of over 4 900 companies. It includes 4 500 stonemasonry enterprises, 190 extraction firms, and approximately 240 quarries. This results in the production of around 1 000 000 cubic metres annually. It also results in the production of high annual turnover rates and high employment. For example, the segment has employed directly approximately 24 000 specialists. They operate throughout the entire value chain. As mentioned, it also results in the production of high annual turnover rates. For example, the stone quarrying segment of the industry has, in recent years, generated values of up to 2 200 000 000 EUR. Germany’s natural stone sector is also among the central innovation hubs of the related industries, including the marble one. This is due to its chief focus on research and development. Generally, the sector presents its latest innovations during trade exhibitions. Examples include expos held every one to two years in diverse cities. Tens of thousands of spectators actively participate in such fairs every year.