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Munich is among the German marble industry's central, time-honoured and pivotal cities. It is because of its relation to the natural stone sector as part of the Bavaria cluster. It is among the central, leading and time-established regions of the industry. This is due to the comparatively compact yet high-value produced by the segment. For example, it has extended to around 450 enterprises in recent years. These range from small and medium-sized establishments to expansive, time-honoured corporations. This results in the direct engagement of around 13 000 professionals every year. This features over 1 200 experts in relation to marble and natural stone. These include over 300 present in the city of Munich and its surroundings. This results in generating annual turnover rates of up to 150 000 000 EUR. In addition, the division is considered one of the country's most significant development centres of the marble and natural stone sectors. This is due to its chief focus on researching and developing innovations. This is because such an emphasis enables it to adapt to the latest challenges. The segment most often presents its most recent novel solutions during trade expos. A number of these are exhibitions that take place annually in the metropolitan area of Munich. These trade fairs are attended by tens of thousands of visitors.