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Cosmetic Business

Cosmetic Business

Munich, Germany
4 Jun 2025 - 5 Jun 2025
222.00 EUR
Munich is among the central urban centres of the German cosmetics industry. This is due to the city featuring a comprehensive and high-value cosmetic sector. It focuses highly on innovations. It comprises diverse businesses that represent the entire value chain. Such include producers, manufacturers, distributors, service providers, suppliers, et cetera. Various companies represent such value chain sections. They range from small and medium-sized enterprises to prominent corporations. This results in the segment featuring around 1 600 businesses related to the German cosmetics industry. It also results in high turnovers that contribute to the sector. For example, some of the leading companies in the segment have earned a total of 168 457 793 EUR (183 400 000 USD) in recent years. As previously mentioned, Munich’s cosmetic sector is highly focused on innovations. This is due to novel solutions helping to adapt to the latest challenges and consumer trends. It also enables the segment to implement and adjust to the newest industrial demands. This, in turn, helps the sector to remain competitive. Generally, Munich’s cosmetic sector displays its latest innovations during trade expos. Such events attract thousands of attendants once per year to the city. They occur in one or more of Munich’s event locales.