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The Federative Republic of Germany is among the central and leading countries in the science sector. It is applicable to the global and European segments of the industry. This is due to the country featuring a notably high-valued and extensive science segment as part of its research and development department. For instance, the division has accounted for a 3.13% proportion of its GDP in recent years. This is due to the state’s more than 120 research enterprises producing up to 121 000 000 000 EUR of annual turnover. Such values, which represent a 9.6% share of the global R&D investment figures, are produced by 73 000 directly employed specialists. This value extends to more than 785 400 experts when considering the indirectly employed present in other segments. It includes industries that are the chief focus of the state. Among them are the automotive, transportation, health, and ICT sectors. Generally, the science branch of the German industry presents its latest novel solutions during trade expos. It includes diverse annual and biannual events held in various German cities. They attract hundreds of thousands of attendees from diverse countries. Examples include the United Arab Emirates, the People's Republic of China, and the United States of America.