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Germany is one of the leading, central, and time-honoured countries of the global and European hunting industry. This is due to the comprehensive and high-valued hunting sector present in the state. It comprises more than 500 small and medium-sized enterprises and extensive, time-honoured corporations. They tend to the requirements and needs of around 350 000 individuals. They practice hunting as a hobby, sport or means of nature conservation. The state features a high amount of hunters due to the time-honoured links of the sector in the country. This results in the production of high annual turnover. For example, in recent years, the segment has produced around 1 800 000 000 EUR through yearly revenues. A significant amount is invested in nature conservation and protection against game damage. For example, in the upcoming years, the segment is anticipated to invest up to 130 000 000 EUR for nature conservation. Also, it is anticipated to subsidise up to 327 000 000 EUR for protective measures against game damage. This is due to the significance of such measures. It also represents one of the chief focuses of the segment. Its primary emphasis is on researching and developing innovative means. It includes ones for adapting to the latest challenges, megatrends, and requirements. Most often, the sector presents its most recent innovations during trade expos. It includes annual events held in diverse cities. They attract hundreds of thousands of attendees.