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Turkey is one of the leading countries in the global automotive industry. This is because the state is among the sector’s high-value exporters, producers and R&D segments. For instance, in recent years, the country has exported 29 300 000 000 USD worth of vehicles. This accounted for 13.3% of the country’s overall exports. This is due to 73% of the produced vehicles being intended for international markets. This resulted in over 950 000 motor vehicles being shipped abroad. These comprised a significant section of the more than 1 352 000 automotive vehicles produced by the country. Turkey features an extensive automotive sector. For instance, the segment is the place of employment of over 500 000 specialists. Such experts work within diverse enterprises representing the whole value chain. This includes over 490 tier-one supplies, including 30 of the 50 top global suppliers. Additionally, the country features 156 R&D and design automotive centres. There are also approximately 1 100 component suppliers who aid OEM production. As a result, the industry is among the significant contributors to the economy of Turkey. It is also among the segments to receive high-value investments. For instance, in recent years, the sector has received 662 000 000 USD worth of investments. A significant amount of these investments have been used to aid its adaptability to the latest challenges. This is done by researching and implementing novel solutions. Such innovations are often displayed during annual trade expositions hosted throughout the country. Such events attract tens of thousands of participants.