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The books sector is one of the publishing industry’s time-honoured segments. It focuses on the publishing, production, and distribution of books. This includes paperback, electronic, and others. It also features the services related to such wares. Among them are writing, editing, designing, marketing, printing, commissioning, and indexing. It is a sector that features diverse inter-sector connections. For example, it has links to marketing, printing, graphics, media and paper production. It is also a vital partner for the didactics, advertising, and other sectors. This is due to the prevalence of books to convey, distribute, and gather information. This applies to all book types, including paper and digital forms. As a result, the sector often has high stock and stability, according to various sources. For example, some leading companies' annual revenue has reached 4.7 billion USD. The industry has several means of maintaining its position. This includes networking. It additionally gathers to present its latest publications and raise brand awareness. This is because the sector needs to be up-to-date on the latest challenges and trends. Often, this occurs during annual trade expositions that attract hundreds of thousands of participants. Such events take place in various countries, such as the United Arab Emirates. They also include the Federative Republic of Germany and the Italian Republic.