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The medical and pharma segments are among the most pivotal in the health industry. It researches, develops, produces, and markets medical services and pharmaceutical drugs. Such wares intend to cure, prevent or ease diseases. Such can be administered by diverse specialists such as medics. They are also provided at various locations, such as hospitals and medical centres. The medical and pharma sectors feature an extensive inter-industry network. This is due to the importance of their services. For example, they are associated with the laboratory, chemistry, biotechnology, and wellness industries. They are also linked to the cosmetics, medical equipment, IT, and sports industries. As a result, the two segments are high value and revenue. For example, some of its leading companies have earned USD 100 330 000 000 in recent years. The two sectors often enforce innovations to remain up-to-date on the latest challenges. Such novel solutions are presented during annual and biannual trade expositions. Such events take place in diverse locations. These include the Federative Republic of Germany and the French Republic. They also feature the United Arab Emirates and the Italian Republic. Such events likewise take place in the Federative Republic of Brazil. The medical and pharma trade expositions attract hundreds of thousands of participants.