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Leipzig is one of the leading, central, pivotal and time-established cities of the German medical and pharma industry. This is due to the urban centre serving as one of the primary sites of the Saxony cluster. It is one of the industry’s central, time-honoured and significant regions. This is due to the cluster’s notable extensiveness and year-on-year revenues. For example, the region has expanded to include more than 6 600 businesses in recent years. Diverse SMEs and extensive, time-honoured corporations comprise such companies. This results in high annual turnover rates. For example, the segment has generated values exceeding 10 371 079 000 USD in recent years. It equals an amount of more than 9 652 005 000 EUR. Leipzig contributes notably to such annual revenue rates through its compact segment. For example, the more than 400 SMEs and extensive corporations that comprise the section have produced values exceeding 9 063 800 000 USD in recent years. It equals to an amount of over 8 435 365 000 EUR. In addition, the city of Leipzig and its segment are among the leading medical and pharma industrial hubs. This is due to the chief focus on research and development undertaken by its companies. It promotes their adaptivity regarding the latest industry-related challenges. The section and cluster frequently present its most recent innovations during trade expos. Instances include events every two years in Leipzig. Tens of thousands of attendants take part in such events.