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Leipzig is one of the central and time-established cities of the German lighting industry. This is due to the urban centre’s comparatively compact yet high-value segment. Generally, it is considered a central part of the Saxony cluster. It is one of the German lighting industry’s central and high-value regions. This is due to its comparatively compact yet high annual turnover-producing aspect. For example, in recent years, the segment has reached a number of constituents in the hundreds. This is due to the region featuring more than 120 companies related to the segment. These range from small and medium-sized establishments to extensive, time-honoured corporations. This results in the production of comparatively high annual revenues. For example, some leading corporations in the sector have reached total assets of more than 1 915 000 EUR. In addition, the Saxony cluster is among the German lighting industry’s central innovation hubs. This is due to the segment’s primary objectives. Among them is its central focus on researching, implementing and developing innovations. It allows it to respond to the most up-to-date challenges and consumer demands. The cluster most often presents its most recent novel solutions during trade exhibitions. It extends to events held in Leipzig every six months. Thousands of attendants take part in such events.