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Leipzig is among the central and pivotal cities of the German jewellery industry. This is due to the urban centre’s compact yet high-value industry-related sector. Often, it is regarded as a central site of the Saxony cluster. It is among the German jewellery industry's central, prominent, highly valued and essential regions. This is due to its comparatively high values. For example, some of the cluster's leading companies have produced year-on-year turnover rates that exceed 739 059 000 USD. It equates to more than 680 220 000 EUR. Such values are generated through diverse types of firms. They range from small and medium-sized establishments to expansive, time-honoured corporations. Such firms employ a notable percentage of the sector’s workforce. For example, some prominent companies in the cluster employ more than 1 000 specialists. The cluster is among the German jewellery sector's central research and development hubs. This is due to the diverse companies that comprise the region placing a central focus on implementing innovations. This is due to the emphasis aiding them to adapt to diverse situations. Examples include the latest challenges, industrial requirements and consumer trends. Most often, the cluster presents its most recent innovations during trade exhibitions. It features events held every six months in the city of Leipzig. Such events are attended by thousands of attendees from various countries.