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Cologne is among the German lighting industry’s central, leading and time-established cities. This is due to the urban centre’s compact yet high-value segment. Generally, it is one of the pivotal sites of the North Rhine-Westphalia cluster. It is among the German lighting industry’s most significant and time-established regions. This is due to the comparatively compact cluster’s high annual turnover rates. For instance, in the most recent years, the market segment has resulted in yearly revenue figures over 1 972 650 000 USD. It amounts to more than 1 829 238 000 EUR. Over 750 enterprises generate such annual turnover rates. They vary from small and medium-sized establishments to time-honoured, expansive corporations. They engage more than 5 000 specialists throughout the entire value chain. The North Rhine-Westphalia cluster is also among the leading innovation hubs. This is due to the region’s prime focus on researching and implementing innovations. It enables the cluster to adapt. It includes to the latest challenges, consumer trends, and industrial requirements. Examples include meeting the most recent requisites on sustainability and user health. Most often, the cluster presents its latest innovations during trade expos. It applies to events held every one to two years in Cologne. The expositions received hundreds of thousands of attendants.