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The public (state or government) sector comprises public services and companies. This includes divisions related to the defense, security, and transportation industries. They also incorporate sections related to the healthcare, education, and engineering sectors. It also features construction, banking, power, and urban equipment divisions. It likewise includes safety and business-related segments. These are represented through various aspects. Examples include law enforcement, public transit, utilities, et cetera. The public sector can occur as a direct administration. It can also take place as state-owned companies. It is divided into three divisions. These are the national, state and local sections. The government sector is among the most time-honoured and remunerative segments. For instance, some of its divisions have earned more than 33 224 000 000 USD. A significant part of such earnings is used for improving the sector’s services. This allows it to maintain its position and better the quality of its wares. This includes instating the latest novel solutions and legislative changes. Often, the sector displays such innovative resolutions during annual trade expositions. Such events attract thousands of participants.