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The Community industry is a sector related to the services and products operating within the territory of a community. These are services provided by local individuals for the community's benefit. Examples include retail, transport, healthcare, green spaces, et cetera. Local individuals or local enterprises can operate these. It is an economic sector that overlaps with many industry segments. As a result, it has an extensive inter-sector network. For instance, it has connections to the retail, transportation, and food industries. It also has links to the landscaping, sports, and health sectors. Likewise, it has time-honoured links to the apparel, handicrafts, and consumer goods segments. It is a sector that often emphasises innovations, communication, networking, and research. This is because it is vital to ensure that local community wares are high-quality. It also assures that the industry can adapt to the latest challenges. Various trade expositions often involve discussing the most recent community issues. These attract tens of thousands of participants and occur in diverse countries. Examples include the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain. Such events occur every year. This ensures that community industry members are informed about the most recent trends. Such include sustainability, better service quality, and others.