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The USA or United States of America is among the pivotal countries of the global community business industry. This is due to the extensive and comprehensive sector present in the state. It features diverse enterprises with a focus on the community. They range from local transportation and agricultural firms to retail or service-providing shops. Such enterprises are generally medium or small-sized firms. Members of the local communities operate them to benefit their local community. This results in more than 32 000 enterprises that aid in developing and maintaining their locality. This results in local communities developing and growing. They also aid in diversifying and improving the local labour and business market. This often results in contributing a total of more than 1 000 000 000 USD to the country’s economy. As a result, the community business sector is a significant contributor to the country’s GDP. Community business enterprises place focus on several aspects to remain beneficial and competitive. Among them is placing a high focus on novel solutions and networking. Such business goals are achieved during trade expositions. Such events occur every year in diverse cities such as San Francisco. They attract tens of thousands of attendants from diverse countries.