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The United States of America, or USA, is among the leading and central counties of the global F&B industry. This is due to the comprehensive and high-value food and beverage sector present in the state. It comprises diverse small and medium-sized enterprises and extensive corporations. They produce up to 5.4% of the USA’s gross domestic product (GDP). This is due to its high annual turnovers. For example, in recent years, it has reached yearly revenues of around 1 157 000 000 000 USD. This is achieved by a segment that employs up to 10.5% of the United States of America’s employed workforce. This results in the direct or indirect employment of one in eight specialists of the state. In addition, the United States of America is among the central and leading innovation hubs of the global food and beverage industry. This is due to its chief focus on research and development. This is because such an emphasis aids in adapting to the latest consumer demands and challenges. Often, the USA’s F&B sector displays its most recent innovations during annual trade expos. Such events, hosted in diverse cities, attract tens of thousands of attendees from various countries and continents. Examples include Asia, Europe, Africa, South America and Australia.