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The United States of America or the USA is among the central and leading countries of the global IT & technology industry. This is due to the comprehensive, high-value and innovation-drive sector present in the state. It is frequently considered a central part of the USA’s ICT industrial cluster. It is among the state’s central and pivotal economic sections due to its extensiveness and high annual turnover. For example, more than 40% of the global market is positioned within the continent of North America. The USA is among the central contributors to the area. This is due to the ICT sector, in particular the IT segment, producing up to 1 800 000 000 000 USD to the state’s economy. It equals more than 10% of the country’s GDP or gross domestic product. Such high annual revenues are produced by over 525 000 SMEs and extensive corporations. They employ 11 800 000 specialists throughout the state’s territory. This results in the ICT segment, especially its IOT section, being among the most extensive employers of the country’s workforce. As aforementioned, the USA’s ICT industrial cluster has a chief focus on researching and developing innovations. This is due to such a focus aiding it in adapting to the latest challenges, industrial requirements, and trends. Most frequently, the sector presents its most recent innovations during trade exhibitions. It includes annual events held in diverse cities. They attract tens of thousands of attendees.