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Game Developers Conference

Game Developers Conference

San Francisco, USA
17 Mar 2025 - 21 Mar 2025
San Francisco is among the central urban centres of the USA’s community business sector. This is due to the city being about the pivotal locations that encourage the development of such enterprises. This results in the development of a comprehensive and often high-value community business sector. For instance, in recent years, the city has developed diverse sector-related programmes. They are meant to aid local community small and medium-sized enterprises. This is done by helping them establish and develop themselves. This has resulted in the onset and growth of more than 5 700 companies. Such enterprises, in turn, have generated comparatively high revenues ranging in the tens of millions. For instance, the average revenues of such enterprises often exceed 300 000 to 400 000 USD. This results in significant contributors to the economy of the city and the region. Generally, San Francisco's community business sector is a notable innovation hub. It also places a high focus on networking. This is due to the sector's many enterprises focusing on maintaining their networks. They likewise emphasise creating innovations. Often, this occurs during trade expositions hosted in the city. Such events occur once every year. They attract tens of thousands of attendants from diverse countries.