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The perfume sector is one of the most advantageous and time-honoured segments of the cosmetics industry. It is a segment that focuses on perfumes and fragrances. Perfumes are generally divided into two categories. These include fine fragrances and consumer fragrances. Leading designer brands are often represented in the first category. It is used for personal use. Consumer fragrances are used in shampoos, soaps, and other personal care products. The sector also includes services related to perfumes. These include the manufacture, promotion, distribution, and sale of such goods. It is a time-honoured segment with an extensive network. This is due to the different materials used in perfumes. For example, there are links to the chemical, agricultural and packaging industries. Likewise, there are links to the cosmetics, beauty, and lifestyle industries. It is also linked to the retail, fashion, and laboratory sectors. The perfume sector, as already mentioned, is of high value. For example, some leading brands and companies have earned 17 700 000 000 USD in recent years. The segment often conducts research into challenges and trends. It also generally implements innovations. These are displayed during annual trade expositions that attract hundreds of participants.