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The wood or lumber industry is one of the global economy's leading, central and time-honoured segments. This is due to the time-established links of the sector to humanity’s history and its extensiveness. For example, it has comprehensive links to the furniture, forestry, and paper industries. This results in the development of an extensive and high-value sector. For instance, it has recently extended to include more than 4 099 000 enterprises. They range from small and medium-scale establishments to extensive corporations. They employ up to 4 800 000 professionals throughout the entire value chain. These include the harvesting, timber mills, production, and transport sections. It also results in a global wood market with a value recently reaching 174 300 000 000 USD. Also, it is anticipated to continue developing at a CAGR of 1.1% in the upcoming years. There are several causes for the growth potential. Among them is its chief focus on research and development. It includes furthering the automation of the production section. Generally, the sector presents its most recently developed innovations during trade expos. These include during quadrennial, triennial and biannual events in diverse countries. They attract hundreds of thousands of attendees to the trade expos' hosting sites.