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Freiburg is among the leading and central cities of the German media and entertainment industry. It is due to the city’s comprehensive and high-value sector. It is often considered part of the Baden-Württemberg creative and cultural industry (CCI) cluster. This is a cluster comprising approximately 62 000 enterprises. They represent the entire value chain and various sub-sectors. It includes diverse segments. Among them are broadcasting, art, performing arts, film, and architecture. They also feature advertising, publishing/books, design, and games. Various types of companies present these sub-sectors. These include small and medium-sized enterprises and extensive, time-honoured corporations. These include more than 2 000 firms represented in Freiburg or Freiburg im Breisgau. This results in the direct and indirect employment of around 207 000 specialists. This includes more than 2 000 experts within the sector in the city. It results in the generation of high turnovers that, in turn, aid the German media and entertainment industry. For example, the Baden-Württemberg CCI cluster has produced in recent years a total revenue of approximately 27 000 000 000 EUR. It includes a contribution from Freiburg im Breisgau, with some leading companies contributing up to 198 800 000 USD. It equals 183 293 380 EUR. The city’s sector is additionally among the central innovation hubs of the Baden-Württemberg CCI cluster. It is due to the firms’ chief focus on research and development. Often, the segment displays its latest innovations during biannual trade expos. Such events attract thousands of attendees.