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Portugal is among the leading and central countries of the European media and entertainment industry. This is due to the comprehensive and high-value M&E sector present in the state. It is often considered to be part of the country’s creative and cultural industry. It is a segment that comprises more than 70 400 enterprises that represent the entire value chain. They employ more than 141 200 specialists. Such experts operate within various types of firms. These vary from small and medium-sized enterprises to extensive, time-honoured corporations. These operate in sub-sectors such as publishing, film, performing arts, music, et cetera. This results in the creative and cultural industry of Portugal achieving high turnovers. For example, in recent years, the sector has reached revenue values of 6 900 000 000 EUR. Broadcasting, advertising, and publishing produce a significant value of this turnover (46.9%). Additionally, the GVA (Gross value added) of the industry is 2 500 000 000 EUR. The creative and cultural industrial cluster additionally receivea high financial allocations. For example, in recent years, the state’s government has allocated 470 500 000 EUR to the segment. A significant amount of such funds often are relocated for the development of the sector. Generally, it displays its latest innovations during annual trade expos. Such events, hosted in diverse cities, attract tens of thousands of attendees.