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The United Kingdom (UK) is among the European continent’s leading agricultural contributors. It is a country with time-honoured links to the sector. The country has featured agriculture as one of its central segments for an extended period. This is due to several significant contributors. This includes the country’s diverse terrains, soils, and microclimates. These vary from the flat and drier climate sites of the Southern and Eastern regions to the highland lands of the North and West. This results in more than 65% of the country’s lands, or 16 843 000 hectares, being used for agricultural product production. This includes arable farming, livestock farming and mixed farming areas. These produce diverse wares such as wheat, barley, oats, and rye. They also supply triticale, oilseed rape, linseed, potatoes, sugar beet, peas, and beans. The UK also produces horticultural crops, orchard fruit, wine grapes, and glasshouse crops. This results in the country supplying up to 24 262 tonnes worth 6 182 000 EUR. Additionally, the country supplies bovine, sheep, poultry, dairy, and beef cattle. Such supplications often reach 10 260 000 EUR of production value. The UK’s agricultural sector regularly implements innovations such as high mechanisation. This ensures that the segment can meet consumer demands and be up-to-date on the latest challenges. These are presented during annual and biannual trade expositions in diverse cities. They attract hundreds of thousands of participants.