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The French Republic (France) is one of the leading European agricultural sectors. It is a segment characterised by its vast diversity. This is due to the country’s diverse landscapes, soils, and climate. They span around 28 000 000 hectares. This results in different locations for the production of various species. These include vines, cereals and livestock such as cattle. A high degree of organisation also characterises the agricultural sector in France. For example, most milk, fruit, and vegetable production is regulated by producer organisations. As a result, many goods are of high quality. This enables them to meet the needs of the population and export. As a result, the country is an outstanding agricultural exporter. Around one-eight of its exports are related to the sector. This includes food and beverage products such as wine, oilseeds, milk, meat, and cereals. The agricultural sector of France often implements innovations. It also frequently conducts research into diverse challenges, such as climate change. This ensures that it can maintain its position and meet consumer demands. Generally, the sector presents its latest wares during annual and biannual trade expositions. These occur in cities such as Paris, Villers Saint-Christophe, and Bordeaux. They attract tens of thousands of participants.