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France is one of the leading and prominent countries in the swimming pool industry. It applies to the global and European market segments of the sector. The French Republic is one of notable value due to its extensiveness and notable yearly contributions. For example, in recent years, it has extended to feature up to 3 500 000 private swimming pools. It includes 1 470 000 in-ground and 1 480 000 above-ground swimming pools. It equates to one pool per every 38 people. Such wares are produced by, maintained, retailed, distributed, and constructed by up to 60 000 directly and indirectly employed specialists. It results in the production of notably high annual turnover rates. For example, in recent years, it has generated around 4 000 000 000 EUR. 20% of such values are created via the exportation of swimming pool equipment. The French Republic is also one of the global and European swimming pool markets’ pivotal innovation hubs. This is due to the high focus it places on researching and implementing innovations. Generally, the sector presents its latest novel solutions during trade events. Among them are biannual events in various French cities. Tens of thousands of participants from various nations attend them. Examples include Turkey, the United States of America, Brazil, Germany, China, and Norway.