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France is among the leading, central and time-honoured countries of the European and global equine industries. This is due to the high comprehensive, high-value and extensive industry-related sector present in the state. For example, in recent years, the French Republic has featured up to 1 204 000 equines. It includes diverse leisure, mixed, and sports horses. Additionally, the French equine sector has directly and indirectly employed up to 66 000 specialists. This results in an overall turnover of 11 000 000 000 EUR, with equines directly producing several millions. Among the notable details of the segment is that it is concentrated in several regions. These include Normandy, Ile-de-Paris, Pays de la Loire, and the Rhone Alpes. Many of these regions also serve as central innovation hubs for the French equine industry. This is due to the diverse cities and companies present in them. They chiefly focus on researching and developing novel solutions. It includes innovative means of caring for, treating, breeding and training horses. Most often, the French equine industry presents its latest innovations during trade expos. This includes during annual trade expositions. Such are hosted in diverse cities. Such events attract hundreds of thousands of attendees from various countries and continents.