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France is among the most central segments of the pet industry. This is due to several contributing factors regarding the country and pets. This includes over 65% of the state’s households having one or more pets. This includes over 30% owning cats and over 20% owning dogs. This results in the country featuring over 22 600 000 000 pets in recent years. As a result, the country is among the most significant segments of the global pet industry. This particularly applies to sectors such as pet food, pet healthcare, pet accessories, and pet grooming. Notably, the French pet segment features a high market share regarding pet food. This is due to several contributors. These include the growing focus on providing protein-rich nutrition to improve the well-being of pets. This results in the pet food market within the French Republic being over 5 000 000 000 USD in recent years. It additionally results in a projected CAGR of more than 3% in the upcoming events. The sector often conducts research into diverse challenges and trends. Such include the implementation of raw ingredients such as vegetables into pet food. The segment also regularly implements innovations that have resulted from such studies. This ensures that the segment will be up-to-date on the latest challenges and provide high-quality wares. The sector often presents its latest novel solutions during annual trade expositions hosted in diverse cities. Such events attract hundreds of thousands of participants.