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The French Republic is one of the leading and central countries of the miscellaneous industry. This is because of the comprehensive and high-value sector present in the state. It features more than 294 300 enterprises throughout the value chain and country. They employ over 295 000 specialists within diverse segments. Examples include manufacturing, distributing, wholesaling, and service-providing. This results in the production of notably high annual turnover rates within the sector. For instance, it has produced values exceeding 27 840 910 000 USD in recent years. It equals to over 25 648 006 000 EUR. The French Republic is furthermore one of the leading innovation centres of the industry. It applies to the European and global sections of the sector. This is due to its primary focus on researching, developing and implementing innovations. It enables it to adapt to the latest challenges, market trends and requirements. Instance feature adjusting to the most recent sustainability-related demands. Such innovations are most often presented during trade expos. Examples include events held every year in diverse French cities. Such expositions attract hundreds of thousands of attendants from various countries. Examples include states from continents such as Europe, the two Americas, Asia and Africa. Instances feature Italy, China, Egypt, Brazil, and the USA.