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France is one of the central and leading countries in the European and global packaging industry. This is due to the comparatively extensive and high-value segment present in the state. It generated the direct employment of around 200 000 specialists throughout the value chain. It also results in the production of notably high annual turnover values. For example, in recent years, it has produced around 20 000 000 000 EUR of revenue. Such notable values are produced by sectors featuring a noteworthy amount of enterprises. For example, the paper cardboard packaging segment features around 550 companies. They employ more than 50 000 specialists. They aid in the production of over 12 000 000 000 EUR of annual turnover. Such segments also aid in France being a notable member of the European and global packaging industry in another aspect. In particular, it is among the leading and central innovation hubs of the related segments. This is due to the French packaging sector focusing on research and development. Such emphasis permits it to adapt to the latest challenges and industrial requirements. Examples include the most recent sustainability demands. The French packaging sector generally presents its latest innovations during trade expositions. Examples include annual and biannual expos held in diverse cities. They attract tens of thousands of attendants.