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The United Kingdom is among the central, time-honoured, and leading countries in the yachting industry. Among the causes of its position are its notable extensiveness, high annual values and employment. For example, the UK yachting sector has recently extended to include more than 500 enterprises. They employ over 12 700 professionals. It includes more than 4 500 in the superyacht segment. This, in turn, results in the production of notably high annual turnover rates. For example, the segment has, overall, produced a yearly value of 3 400 000 000 EUR. It includes up to 1 200 000 000 EUR produced by the pleasure craft and yacht constriction section. Of these, over 700 000 EUR is produced by the superyacht segment. The UK yachting sector is, additionally, one of the central and leading innovation hubs. This is because it places a high emphasis on developing and implementing innovations. It enables it to adapt to the latest challenges and requirements. Generally, the sector presents its most recently developed novel solutions during trade expos. Examples include annual events in diverse UK cities. They attract hundreds of thousands of attendees from various countries. Among them are Monaco, France, the Netherlands, the United States of America, Brazil, and Australia.