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The United Kingdom is one of the central, leading and time-honoured countries for diverse segments of the security industry. It is applicable, for instance, to the global and European market divisions. This is due to the high-value, comprehensive and extensive security segment present in the country. For example, in recent years, it has extended to include more than 11 500 enterprises. They range from SMEs to extensive corporations. Such companies operate over 15 500 business sites. They also employ around 422 900 specialists. It includes approximately 262 800 elementary security operation experts and around 160 100 security guards. This results in the production of notable turnover rates. For example, in recent years, the UK security industry has produced a yearly revenue of GBP 10 500 000 000. It includes GBP 9 800 000 000 via extensive exportations. Over 63% of the exported values are produced by cybersecurity products (GBP 6 200 000 000). Besides being a valuable contributor and employer, the UK security industry is a leading innovation hub. This is due to the chief focus it places on researching and implementing innovations. Generally, it presents its latest novel solutions during trade expos. It includes annual and biannual events that attract tens of thousands of attendees.