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Milan, Italy
19 Nov 2025 - 21 Nov 2025
Italy is among the central and leading countries within diverse branches of the security industry. It applies, for instance, to the global and European segments of the sector. This is due to the comprehensive, high-value and innovation-driven security segment in the country. For example, in recent years, its private security services segment has extended to feature more than 1 500 enterprises. They employ more than 75 500 specialists. Likewise, its security system services comprise around 290 companies. They engage approximately 3 000 experts. This results in the production of notably high annual turnover rates. For example, the security sector contributes up to 0.65% of the country’s GDP and around 15% of the European security industry’s value. This is due to the segment producing up to 13 500 000 000 EUR of turnover, with 70% of it produced by exportations. It includes high contributions from the private security service and security system service segment. They have generated up to 3 900 000 000 EUR and 139 200 000 EUR, respectively. As aforementioned, the Italian security industry is among the innovation hubs of the global and European sectors. This is due to its high focus on research and development. For example, in recent years, the segment has invested up to 1 400 000 000 EUR or around 10% of its total value in research and development. Generally, the sector presents its latest innovations during trade expos. These include biannual events held in diverse cities that attract tens of thousands of attendees.