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Italy is among the leading countries in the global and European catering industries. It is a state that features the sixth most extensive and high-value catering segment in the world. It is often considered part of the more extensive agri-food industry. This industry often contributes up to and over 15% of the country’s GDP (gross domestic product). This is due to the industry, including the catering segment, generating high turnovers. For instance, the catering sector of Italy has reached a revenue of 75 000 000 000 EUR in recent years. This is due to the contributions of more than 300 000 enterprises. They represent the whole value chain. Such vary from small and medium firms to extensive pre-eminent enterprises. Many of these businesses employ diverse specialists. This results in the sector featuring between 500 000 and 700 000 retained experts. Many of these employees operate within sector branches, such as research. This is due to the segment’s high focus on innovations and updating wares. This ensures that Italy's catering industry is up-to-date with the latest industry standards. Often, the sector presents its newest novel solutions during biannual trade expositions. Such events attract hundreds of thousands of attendants from varied countries.