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Italy is a leading and time-established country in the leather industry. It applies to the European and global sections of the sector. This is due to the comprehensive, high-value, and notable segment present in the urban centre. It consists of more than 1 100 firms that range from small and medium-sized establishments to expansive, time-honoured corporations. They employ over 18 000 specialists throughout the entire value chain. It results in high annual turnover rates being produced by the sector. For example, in recent years, the segment has generated up to 4 600 000 000 EUR in revenue. Up to 70% of such values are achieved through significant exportations. For instance, during the same period, the sector has exported up to 3 200 000 000 EUR of its wares. Apart from being a notable contributor and exporter, the Italian leather sector is also a leading innovation hub. This is due to the principal focus on researching and developing novel solutions. It enables it to adapt to the latest challenges and consumer trends. Examples include sustainability. Most frequently, the sector presents its most recent innovations during trade expositions. It includes events held in diverse cities every six months to one year. Tens of thousands of visitors take part in these trade expos every year.