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Italy is one of the foremost, time-established and influential countries in the footwear industry. It applies to the global and European segments of the market. For example, the state is the leading producer within the EU. This is due to the segment procuring around one-third of its total footwear values, which, in recent years, has equated to around 161 900 000 pairs. It also positions the segment as the twelfth most extensive on-volume global manufacturer. Such quantities are produced by one of the EU and European as well as the international market’s most extensive both in size, employment, and value segments. For example, in recent years, the Italian footwear sector has extended to include around 3 500 enterprises. They engage more than 73 000 employed specialists and a turnover value of 14 580 000 000 EUR. It features a trade balance of 5 750 000 000 EUR. In addition, the segment is a noteworthy exporter, with foreign sales and exports totalling 12 700 000 000 EUR in recent years. This is due to the country exporting a notable percentage of its produced values. This results, in turn, hosting the position of the eighth most extensive in-volume international exporter. It is also among the prominent innovation centres of the global and European markets. This is due to the high focus it places on research and development. Generally, it presents its most recent innovations and models during trade expos. It includes during semi-annual and annual events in various Italian cities. They attract tens of thousands of attendees.