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The United Kingdom or the UK is among the power and energy industry's central, leading and time-established countries. It applies to the European and global segments of the market. This is due to the comprehensive, high-value and extensive sector present in the state. It features more than 30 000 enterprises that represent the entire value chain. It extends to power production, supplying, transmittance, and service segments. Diverse SMEs and extensive corporations represent these sectors. They employ more than 734 000 specialists throughout the entire value chain. They also produce notably high annual turnover rates that, in turn, contribute to the United Kingdom’s economy. For example, in recent years, the segment has generated up to 147 732 722 000 GBP of yearly revenue. The segment is also among the related markets' leading and central innovation centres. This is due to its prime focus on researching and developing innovations. It is achieved via extensive R&D projects supported by notable investments. For instance, the segment has invested up to 13 218 191 000 GBP in recent years. It totals up to 7% of the country's total expenditures. In addition, the sector is anticipated to invest a further 97 192 580 000 GBP in implementing novel energy sources in the upcoming years. Generally, the segment presents its latest innovations, projects, and investment plans during trade expos. It includes annual events held in diverse UK cities. Such expos attract up to thousands of attendees.