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LogiMAT 2026

(24 March 2026 - 26 March 2026 )
Location: Germany, Stuttgart
Organizer: Euroexpo, ltd.

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About the event


LogiMAT 2026 will occur in Messe Stuttgart between the 24th and 26th of March 2026. The event will be face-to-face.


LogiMAT (LogiMAT Stuttgart/LogiMAT Messe) is an international intralogistics event. It is the premier event for forming and setting new standards in the sector. This is because the fair provides a detailed market overview. The event occurs in Messe Stuttgart. It is a biannual event that has been taking place since 2003. LogiMAT is a fair that attracts attendees from many sectors of the industry. Such include specialists working in the materials handling and logistics branches. The fair is also the meeting location for transport agencies and supply chain managers. The fair is the meeting place for warehouse automation and procurement professionals.

LogiMAT is an international fair that receives around 63 000 attendants. For example, one edition received 1 624 exhibiting firms and 61 740 visitants. Attendees represented approximately 42 countries. Such included Germany, the USA, Slovenia, the UAE, the Netherlands, and Italy. It also featured sovereign states such as Belgium, China, Austria, and Finland.

About LogiMAT Stuttgart

The fair can help attendees in completing goals such as gaining recognition. It can also help them in expanding their business. This is because of LogiMAT Messe’s detailed event programme. One of the main events is the exhibition. It showcases in detail the latest sector innovations. Such include new processes and tools for increasing productivity.

The event schedule also features the Trade and Innovations Forums. This is due to the Forums allowing attendees to exchange valuable information. The Trade Forum, for instance, emphasises successful and practical solutions to different challenges. The Innovations Forum enables exhibitors to show their innovative products through live demonstrations. It is also where buyers can examine wares before speaking to stand exhibitors. One of the events of interest, particularly for start-ups, is the Best Product Award. This is an award given to exhibitors with a significant industrial contribution. Exhibiting participants can also look forward to using LogiMAT.TV. This is a digital platform that provides an opportunity to showcase innovation.

Major exhibitors include Tixit, PSI, Schreiner Group, Hoffmann Group, Simon Hegele, Hiwin, and Fizyr. Attendees of LogiMAT Messe represent several industries. These include the logistics, media, education, packaging, information and communication technology sectors.

LogiMAT Stuttgart Accommodation

Procure suitable accommodation for LogiMAT before all the good deals are taken with Travel 2 Fairs Ltd. All that is necessary is to inform us about the rooms you need, how much you wish to spend, and your desired location. Travel 2 Fairs Ltd handles the rest. Secure accommodations next to Messe Stuttgart and obtain invaluable access to public transportation. We can inform you of the top-quality path to the venue. Besides affordable accommodation for exhibitions, we also provide transport services. One way to travel to your hotel is to have a rent-a-car wait for you at the airport. Another is to schedule an airport transfer in both directions.

Event information might be outdated because of the coronavirus pandemic. More information is available from the organiser.

Past Iterations

LogiMAT 2022

LogiMAT 2022 signified the successful restart of the leading intralogistics trade fair. The event occurred as a live edition between the 31st of May and the 2nd of June 2022. LogiMAT Stuttgart 2022 featured high participation numbers and a focus on innovation. Over 80 exhibitor firms presented innovations. The edition received 50 000 visitants and 1 571 exhibitor firms from 39 countries. These included 393 newcomer exhibitants and 74 pre-eminent foreign vendors. Over 52% of participants have a decision-making role.

LogiMAT 2023

LogiMAT Stuttgart 2023 signified a new participation record for the event. It featured 62 343 visitants, representing a 25% increase compared to the record 2019 format. They examined the wares of 1 563 exhibiting firms from 39 nations, with 35% expressing a foreign country. This mainly applied to the 200 newcomer exhibitants, among whom around 70% were from abroad. Over 40% of the visitants conducted business or will after the event. This includes more than 84% who were executives. The gross exhibition area of LogiMAT 2023 was 125 000m2.

LogiMAT 2024

LogiMAT Stuttgart 2024 featured more than 101 600 attendants on 125 000 m2 of gross exhibition space. This included over 1 600 exhibiting firms from around 40 nations (around 35% from abroad), including 150 newcomers, and more than 67 400 visitants (98.8% from a foreign country). 57% of the visiting were executives, 38% had specific investment goals, and 24% placed contracts during the event. It occurred in Messe Stuttgart.

LogiMAT 2025

LogiMAT 2025 in Stuttgart occurred on an exhibition space of more than 125 000 m2 as a live trade expo. It showcased the diverse wares, including around 140 product launches, of 1 625 exhibiting firms (includng 300 newcomers). Fiera LogiMAT 2025 in addition featured lectures from over 60 lecturers. LogiMAT 2025 in Stuttgart was attended by 65 719 visitants, with over 32% placing orders onsite and around 50% being executives. Furthermore, more than 36% of visiting group of Fiera LogiMAT 2025 had specific investment projects in mind during their attendance, including among the 55% who were from the logistics industry. Additionally, over 11% of the visitants that attended LogiMAT in Stuttgart were from the wholesale and retail sectors, and more than 40% were from abroad.


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