EuroTier 2026 will occur as a live trade exhibition at the Hannover Fairground. The official dates have been set for the 10th to the 13th of November 2026.
EuroTier is a leading animal production and husbandry trade fair founded in 1975. It is the presentation stage for the industry's latest novel solutions, studies, and developments. The biannual trade exhibition occurs at the Hannover Fairground alongside EnergyDecentral. It appeals to more than 150 000 attendants from six continents.
EuroTier is a trade fair that aids a diverse range of participants. This includes professional farmers, traders, consultants, and planners. It can also help veterinarians and machinery ring specialists. Contractors, animal product processors and food industry experts should consider attending. Furthermore, the event can be of aid to pharmaceutical specialists and forestry experts. A notable detail is that many higher education institutions and associations participate. So do public authority figures. EuroTier is an event that tends to receive over 155,000 participants. For instance, one edition featured 2 586 exhibitor firms and 160 000 visitants.
A notable detail is that 60% of the exhibiting and over 35% of the visitants represent foreign countries. Sixty-three countries from six continents take part in the trade fair, including nations like Austria, the People’s Republic of China, the United States of America, Paraguay, the Commonwealth of Australia, and South Africa. Besides the high international participation numbers, the event features two notable statistics. This includes that 89% of exhibitor firms rank EuroTier as beneficial. Additionally, 86% of them rate the technical qualification of the visitors as highly satisfactory.
About EuroTier Germany
EuroTier features a detailed technical programme whose various sub-events are influenced by Focus Topics and one central theme. The sub-events include the exhibition, the BPT Professional Congress, the International Poultry Conference, the International Cattle & Pig Event, the Animal Health Event, the TopTierTreff and the BIOGAS Convention. Likewise, the must-attend sub-events include the DLG-Agrifuturelab, the Campus & Career, the Young Farmers Day, the Junge DLG Lounge, the EuroTier Innovation Award, the Animal Welfare Award, and the DLG Agrifuture Concept Winner.
EuroTier’s exhibitor list features leading companies such as: ADLER, AXIOM, BASF, Evonik, Falken Trade, HAIX, IMERYS, Alfred Karcher, and Lanxess.
EuroTier is a trade fair that receives participants from sectors, such as:
EuroTier Hannover Accommodation
Procure suitable accommodation for EuroTier before all the good deals are taken with Travel 2 Fairs Ltd. All that is necessary is to inform us about the rooms you need, how much you wish to spend, and your desired location. Travel 2 Fairs Ltd manages the rest. Reserve lodgings adjacent to Hannover Fairground and gain valuable access to public transport. We can advise you on the best routes to take to the venue. Aside from affordable hotel accommodation for exhibitions, we also provide transport services. One way to travel to your hotel is to have a rent-a-car wait for you at the airport. Another is to schedule an airport transfer in both directions.
Event information might be outdated because of the coronavirus pandemic. More information is available from the organiser.
Past Iterations
EuroTier 2024
EuroTier 2024 in Hannover took place as a live trade fair that coincided with EnergyDecentral 2024. The events were held between the 12th and 15th of November 2024 in Hannover Fairground. Messe EuroTier 2024 and EnergyDecentral 2024 took place on around 220 000 m2. The EuroTier 2024 exhibitor list featured 2 193 exhibiting firms from 51 nations (approximately 65% from abroad and a 25% increase compared to EuroTier 2022). It included 32 start-up enterprises from 16 countries. They were part of the around 2 500 exhibitants that attended both trade expos. The events also received approximately 120 000 visitants from 149 nations. 700 of the exhibiting firms that were part of EuroTier 2024's exhibitor list rescheduled their attendance for the next attendance.
EuroTier 2022
EuroTier 2022 occurred as a hybrid trade exhibition between the 15th and 18th of November 2022. The live aspect occurred in Hannover Fairground and did not include coronavirus safeguards due to the country removing its restrictions. EuroTier 2022 was visited by over 1 800 exhibitor firms from 57 nations and 106 000 visitants from 141 countries.
EuroTier 2021
EuroTier 2021 occurred between the 9th and 12th of February 2021. The format of the event was digital because of the coronavirus pandemic. The trade exhibition received 1 200 exhibitor firms and 41 000 visitants.
EuroTier 2018
EuroTier 2018 occurred between the 13th and 16th of November 2018 in the Hannover Fairground. It was attended by 2 574 exhibitor firms and 154 948 visitants from 60 countries. The primary feature of the edition was Digital Animal Farming.