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The People’s Republic of China is among the central, time-honoured and leading countries in the recycling industry. This is due to the state featuring a comprehensive and high-value recycling segment. For instance, in recent years, it has expanded to encompass more than 90 000 firms. Over 80% of them are SMEs. The diverse companies in the Chinese recycling sector employ up to 13 000 000 specialists. This culminates in a division that produces significantly high annual turnover rates. For example, in recent years, it has generated up to 1 310 000 000 000 CNY or 18 000 000 000 USD of yearly revenue. Apart from being notable for its comprehensiveness and values, the Chinese recycling industry is also one of the leading and central innovation hubs of the sector. It applies to the Asian and global segments of the market. This is due to the various companies that comprise the Chinese segment. They chiefly focus on researching and developing novel solutions, including recycling diverse types of waste. Generally, the segment presents its latest innovations and wares during trade expos. Examples include annual events in diverse Chinese cities. They attract hundreds of thousands of attendees from various countries, such as Germany.