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The UAE is among the leading and central countries in the travel industry. It is also in a similar position in its interlinked tourism sector. This is because of its popularity as a tourist and travel destination due to its culture, nature, and architecture. It results in travel and tourism segments that are highly extensive, valued, and innovation-driven. For example, they have extended to include over 5 900 enterprises. They employ around 833 000 specialists. It includes over 500 travel companies. They range from SMEs to extensive corporations. They engage the professional services of more than 9 100 experts. This results in the development of notably high annual turnover rates. For example, the travel and tourism industries have produced around 52 200 000 000 USD. It includes the travel segment generating more than 2 354 250 000 USD. As mentioned, the UAE travel industry and its interlocked tourism sector are highly innovation-driven. This is because implementing innovations as often as necessary enables it to adapt. It includes the latest challenges and market trends. Generally, the sector presents its most recent novel solutions during trade expos. These are hosted in various UAE cities. These include annual events that attract tens of attendees from diverse countries.