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Sweden is among the leading countries in the European and global decorations industries. This is due to the country featuring a comprehensive and high-value decoration sector. It comprises diverse enterprises. They represent the entire value chain. This includes the manufacturing, producing, supplying and distributing section of the industry. It also features the wholesaling, retailing, servicing, exporting, importing, et cetera segments. Various types of businesses represent such sections of the industry. Such include, for example, independent contractors and small and medium-sized enterprises. Furthermore, it is presented by various extensive, prominent corporations. The latter often represent more than one leading brand. This results in the generation of high turnovers. For example, the home decor section has generated a revenue of up to 1 039 000 000 USD in recent years. It additionally is expected to experience growth in the upcoming years at a CAGR of 4.71%. Sweden is additionally among the central innovation hubs. This applies to both the European and global decorations industries. This is due to the sector placing a chief focus on innovations. It is due to novel solutions aiding them in adapting to the newest industrial demands. Often, the segment presents its latest innovations during trade expositions. Such events attract tens of thousands of visitors. They take place once per year.