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Stockholm is among the central urban centres of the Swedish decorations industry. This is due to the city featuring a comprehensive and high-value decoration sector. This is due to the segment being composed of various businesses. They represent the entire value chain. These include the manufacturing, producing, supplying and distributing sections of the industry. They also feature the wholesaling, retaining, servicing, exporting, and importing segments. Various types of companies represent such sections of the industry. These include independent contractors and small and medium-sized enterprises. They also feature extensive, prominent and time-honoured corporations. The latter often present various leading brands. This results in the generation of high turnovers. For example, some leading companies have generated a total of 215 680 880 EUR (235 200 000 USD). Additionally, Stockholm is among the central innovation hubs of the Swedish decorations industry. This is due to the various companies that comprise the sector. This is due to innovations aiding them in achieving diverse goals. Such include meeting the latest consumer demands and trends. They also help them in adapting to the newest challenges and requirements. Often, the sector displays its most recent innovations during trade expositions. Such events attract tens of thousands of attendees. They take place once per year.